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The sustainability goals of the UN

The sustainability goals of the UN


Die globalen Nachhaltigkeitsziele der Weltgemeinschaft wurden The global sustainability goals of the international community were adopted by the German government in 2017 as a roadmap for the future. In the German agenda, 63 concrete goals have been adopted which are to be reviewed every four years. Due to the urgency and importance of the topic, an updated supplement was already written in 2018.

The ultimate goal is a dignified life and the preservation of the natural foundations of life. Economic, ecological and also social aspects determine our actions. The United Nations and the Federal Government address their programmes to the governments of all states, but at the same time call on civil society, the private sector and science to make their contribution. In Germany, a joint effort has been set up for implementation, consisting of the Länder, a Sustainability Council, regional network offices, the Science Platform 2030 and industry.

We are convinced of the correctness and necessity of Agenda 2030 and would like to play an active role in its ambitious implementation, and we will gear our actions and activities to this future strategy. We have therefore reflected on what our contribution to the Agenda for the future is already today and what goals we will integrate into our future life and corporate philosophy.

For more information about our efforts please click on the symbol

9: Industry, Innovation
& Infrastructure

10: Fewer inequalities
between countries

12: Sustainable production
& consumption

11: Sustainable cities & communities

14: Protecting life under water

16: Promoting strong
& transparent institutions