Timely processing of the harvested coffee beans is a quality feature. In order to guarantee this, TLAN MAKAN has its own Beneficio, which is divided into a wet and dry benficio.
In the wet beneficio a treatment in a water bath takes place. The roughly peeled coffee beans are fermented and then carefully cleaned. The beans are then freed from fruit flesh residues and parchment and silver skin. During the subsequent drying process, the water content is limited to 12 %. In the dry preparation process, the whole coffee cherries are dried until the coffee bean can be easily removed. This is followed by further drying until the water content is also only about 12 %.
These two different processing methods are used to produce Café Pergamino on the one hand and Café Oro for the American and European markets on the other. Both types of coffee are packed and prepared for transport in the Beneficio.
Mexico’s coffee market is characterised by a small number of wholesalers who have a strong influence on world market prices of conventional coffee and therefore exert enormous price pressure on coffee producers. This has led to a sharp drop in the price of conventional products, which has already forced many coffee farmers to abandon their farming activities. In order to be able to continue to grow coffee according to its own ecological and socio-economic aspects, TLAN MAKAN decided to refine its coffee in cooperation with a coffee roaster in Germany and to market it as its own end product. For this purpose, new roasting processes are regularly developed and new blends are created together with the customers. The top priority is always premium quality, which makes it possible to enjoy coffee with a full-bodied taste without sugar or milk.